
Anything Aquatic theme contest
11-2014-01  More debate on whether to host a local contest 11-2014-02  Nice to see some enthusiasm! 11-2014-03  Catch the excitement! 11-2014-04
11-2014-05 11-2014-06 11-2014-07 11-2014-08
11-2014-09  1st Place - 1/350 Zvezda K-141 "Kusk" Russian Nuclear Submarine by Randy Hall 11-2014-10  2nd Place - 1/35 Trumpeter PT-76 Russian Amphibious Tank model 1951 by George Bacon 11-2014-11  3rd Place - 1/60 Pyro-Lindberg "Tuna Clipper"  by John Thirion 11-2014-12
11-2014-13 11-2014-14 11-2014-15 11-2014-16  George added scratch built interior detail to the turret and driver's station.
11-2014-17  See more details on George's build   here 11-2014-18 11-2014-19 11-2014-20
11-2014-21  1/35 Tamiya PBR 31 Mk.II Pibbers by Jim Burton 11-2014-22 11-2014-23  The black scheme is for better stealth 11-2014-24
11-2014-25 11-2014-26 11-2014-27 11-2014-28  1/350 Tamiya Musashi with eduard photo etch and Artwork deck by Konstantin Rickford
11-2014-29 11-2014-30 11-2014-31 11-2014-32
11-2014-33  1/350 Orangehobby Tug Boat Rowengarth by Dan Shepard 11-2014-34 11-2014-35  1/48 Monogram Kingfisher by Terry Falk 11-2014-36  1/72 Airfix Arado 196 A 3 floatplane by John Wilch
11-2014-37  1/18 Pegasus Great White Shark by Jim Burton 11-2014-38 11-2014-39 11-2014-40  1/35 Bronco Landwasserschlepper (mid prod) in progress by Brian Geiger
11-2014-41  1/35 Italeri S.L.C "Maiale" - Siluro a Lenta Corsa  in progress by Brian Geiger 11-2014-42  *MODEL OF THE MONTH* 11-2014-43  1/35 Dragon T-34/76 Model 1943 w/Commander Cupola by Trevor Robertson 11-2014-44
11-2014-45  1/18 Pegasus Great White Shark by Jim Burton 11-2014-46 11-2014-47  1/25 Revell '50 Ford F-1 Pickup by John Wilch 11-2014-48
11-2014-49 11-2014-50  1/72 Hasegawa Mercedes Benz G4/W31 by Konstantin Rickford 11-2014-51  1/72 Eastern Express Su-85 by Konstantin Rickford 11-2014-52
11-2014-53 11-2014-54 11-2014-55  Valentine chassis variants in progress 11-2014-56  1/35 AFV Club Valentine (almost finished) by Ian Robertson
11-2014-57 11-2014-58 11-2014-59 11-2014-60  3D printed ship project by John Thirion
11-2014-61 11-2014-62  Vintage 1/1 Pyro Kentucky Rifle by Terry Falk 11-2014-63  Vintage Revell 1/156 Convair Space Shuttlecraft by Terry Falk 11-2014-64  Terry demonstrates operation of the rifle's ramrod